Bold, brash, and confident: these are the marks of someone who will change the world. Or so the world would have you think. We live in a society which loves and values brashness. One who stands up for themselves and takes no prisoners. The way to the top is by climbing over the bodies. However, Christ informs us that this is not God’s way. Those who would inherit the earth must learn to be gentle. The next attribute for happiness in the sermon on the mount is stated as, Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). It is not the bold, the brash, or the confident who will inherit the earth and find happiness, but the meek.
Many look down on meekness because they view it as weak. Meekness and weakness are not synonyms. Rather, some have described meekness as strength under control. To be meek means to be soft and gentle. The picture is of a large muscular father gently holding his newborn baby. While he has the strength to crush it, he holds it with tender compassion and love. Meekness knows when to use its strength and when to subdue it. It shows forth its strength in defense of others in the battle against sinfulness. It subdues it when it would result in selfish ambition.
Jesus is our greatest example of meekness. As he headed towards the cross, He was sorely mistreated: beaten, spit on, humiliated, and mocked. Yet in all of it 22 He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. 23 When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. 24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed (1 Peter 2:22-24). Our first reaction is often to seek revenge and restitution when mistreated. We scream loudly so that we can be heard above the din of the world. Yet, this is not the way of Christ.
Those who are gentle will inherit the earth. The Kingdom of God is coming in which we will rule and reign with Christ. All the misfortune and mistreatment in this world will be over. Through Christ, we will inherit the earth. While the way to the top today might be through boldness, brashness, and confidence, it is short lived and short sighted. Those who are gentle will inherit the eternal kingdom.
Don’t be known as a mean, vindictive, brash, angry person. Place your confidence in the eternal sacrifice of Christ. See the souls of men as more important than your rights or comfort. Be willing to respond like Christ to mistreatment. Be known as a gentle person. For the gentle will inherit the earth!