The final principle that helps us determine what edifies is that we must be concerned about the Gospel. 1 Corinthians 10:33 reveals that decisions that edify prioritize the Gospel so that others might be saved. While we will address this in greater detail in the future, I will make a few essential points now. First, edification cannot happen apart from the Gospel. The solution to a lack of satisfaction, pleasure, or sin is always the Gospel. Only the Gospel can change lives. Only the Gospel results in the fruit of the Spirit. Second, the power for edification cannot happen apart from the Gospel. Too many Christians live as though the power for life comes from politics, pleasure, finances, or relationships. However, Romans 1:16 reveals that God’s power comes only through the Gospel. As a result, third, the Christian must prioritize the Gospel. We must make decisions that proclaim the Gospel. This means that we must live distinctly from those around us. We work differently, demonstrating that our walk with God matters. We enter the political discussion differently, proclaiming that the Eternal Kingdom will bring peace. We engage in recreation and Sabbath rest in a way that declares that it is not the purpose of life but points to the eternal rest and joy found in Christ.
As we seek to make Biblical decisions, we must consider more than the sinfulness of the decision. While we may be free to make a decision as far as right and wrong are concerned, we are not free to make the decision as we consider what is best. While all things might be lawful, not all things are best. Do not sacrifice what is best on the altar of what is okay. The wise Christian seeking to make Biblical decisions will consider the pull and allure of the decision. If the result of the decision will grant control to anything other than God, the wise Christian will refrain. The wise Christian will also consider the decision’s impact on their own and others’ walk with God. We do not live for this world but for the Eternal Kingdom. So, we make decisions that will spur growth in our walk with Christ with eternity in mind. Considering these realities, we understand that just because we can do something does not mean we should do something.
Finally, as we consider this decision-making principle, we must recognize that godly individuals will apply the principle differently. Due to its control over me, I refrained from Mountain Dew for years. This, however, should not serve as a statement that every believer’s participation in that particular beverage is a sin. It is the height of arrogance to condemn something God has not. Further, I may consider something edifying, which another may not. These principles are not to be used as clubs of judgment against others but mirrors of examination for ourselves. As we seek to make Biblical decisions, let us ask, “Is this best?” To that end, we ask, “Will this control me?” If it will, do not do it. Further, we ask, “Will this help myself and others grow in our walk with Christ?” If the answer is no, then do not do it. Let us seek to consider excellence as we strive to make Biblical decisions.