The Fruit of the Spirit Continued – February 28, 2025

As we seek to evaluate our walk with God, we must begin by examining the production of the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Unfortunately, many Christians believe they have a fantastic walk with God while demonstrating the works of the flesh, not the fruit of the Spirit. One person gossips to another, spreading discord between Christians. Another person responds in anger when things don’t go their way. Some hold grudges because they have not been treated how they expected to be treated. When this happens, we can be sure the individuals are not walking in the Spirit.

Over the last few weeks, we have looked at the first few characteristics of the Fruit of the Spirit. Interestingly, the last six deal very closely with one another. They all address our interpersonal relationships. When someone walks in the Spirit, they deal with others in love and graciousness. We discover that Spirit-filled people are marked by patience. Patience is the idea of longsuffering or forbearance with other people. It is the ability to be wronged and move forward without bitterness.

Instead of bitterness and anger, this patience results in kindness. We do not retaliate or simmer but serve the one who wronged us. Rather than gossip or slander them, we speak well of them. As opportunity arises, our attitude towards them becomes gentleness, not hostility. This kindness is furthered by goodness. We serve them and seek to do them good. We observe opportunities to advance their lives and act on them. When someone responds with bitterness to wrong suffered, it is natural and a work of the flesh. It can only come from God when someone responds with patience, kindness, and goodness to wrong.

Those who walk in the Spirit are also marked by faithfulness. There are two aspects to this characteristic. First, this person is a person of faith. They regularly manifest faith in God through their actions and reactions. They are a person of the word and prayer. Second, this results in a person of faithfulness. They become trustworthy, dependable people. Because they are not easily offended, they are loyal.

When these characteristics mark an individual, they are also marked by gentleness or humility. They do not think more highly of themselves than they ought to think. They recognize that everything they have and every ability they hold is a gift from God. So, they treat others with respect and love. They do not seek their glory but God’s glory. They are not loud and brash but humble.

Because they are humble, they are also able to exercise self-control. They control their tongues, they control their bodies, and they control their desires. There are a myriad of applications to this. Spirit-controlled people say no to laziness, gluttony, and excess. They care for their bodies and minds. They recognize that life is not about their pleasure, so that they can resist excess pleasure.

As you read through the list, you probably feel overwhelmed. There is no chance that this list could ever be said of you. I know I feel that way. Yet, we can have hope because seeing these things become a reality is not dependent on our ability. Over the next few weeks, we will discover that these characteristics will become a part of us when we submit to the Holy Spirit. So, we will discuss what that means and what we need to do to submit to Him.