A good friend tells people regularly, “You do what you do because you want what you want. And you want what you want because you love what you love.” As we examine the fruit of the Spirit and the works of the flesh, we see this is true. There is a battle waging in our hearts between our flesh and the Holy Spirit. When we walk in the Spirit, we do not satisfy the flesh. But when we walk in the flesh, we do not live obediently to God.
As a result, our attitudes and actions reveal what is happening in our hearts. Jesus stated this in Matthew 7:16-18 when He informed us that our fruit (our actions and attitudes) reveal what is happening in our hearts. Years ago, while still in college, I was employed by the dean’s office my senior year as a Resident Advisor. As part of my job, I counseled young men when they struggled to obey the college rules. I remember distinctly one young man insisting that we had it all wrong. We did not understand who he really was. I responded, “That may very well be true. However, all I have to work with is what I observe you doing.” Our actions speak much louder than our words.
In Romans 8, Paul reminds us that all who live after the flesh have their minds set on this world and the things of the flesh. On the other hand, those who live after the Spirit have their minds set on the world to come and the things of the Spirit. As the saying goes, “Your walk talks, and your talk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.” So, what is your walk saying to you?
The works of the flesh are evident when we live after the flesh. In Galatians 5, Paul gives a sampling of these works. The list consists of 15 items and concludes with “and things like these,” indicating that the list is not exhaustive. Unfortunately, many of us can (and should) see ourselves through this list. Sexual immorality begins the list. This was as significant in Paul’s day as it is today. Far too many Christians have bought into the modern sexual revolution. We don’t bat an eye when the unmarried engage in sex. We rejoice with them when they move in together. This ought not to be!
Impurity follows suit with the idea of moral dirtiness. It implies a moral looseness and crassness that should never mark a believer. Sensuality completes the concepts regarding the sexual revolution. This word points to an attitude that does not care what God or man thinks. They will satisfy their desires because they “love the other person.” Each of these attitudes and actions is driven by selfish lust and impatience towards God’s plan for the place of sex and marriage.
Far too many Christians have bought into the moralism of today. They have been sold a bill of goods stating that all that matters is that they believe in God. As a result, we do not consider God’s purpose and plan for sex and marriage: to picture the relationship between Christ and the Church. If you do not follow and rejoice in the biblical sexual ethic, you are walking after the flesh.